To Cultivate Spiritual Connection through Ecology and Ancestral Craft


We see a world where connecting with the land

and developing a craft builds resilient loving community.

Our vision is to cultivate a culture of sovereignty and reverance, where folks have the knowledge and resources to heal themselves and support community mutual aid. By coming together through the shared love of our benevolent mother – the land, we aim not only to strengthen community connection, but also empower skills, self-knowledge, and reclamation

Ancestral Arts was founded in Northern California - Oakland 2014 with a vision of creating an educational space centered on folks of the global majority where all backgrounds felt welcome to come together, share their herbal knowledge, and ancestral medicine.

     New seeds planted and under new Stewardship as of 2022, we are growing our programming to offer comprehensive clinical apprenticeship 4 year program, with continuing education into the future for herbalists of all levels. 

Into the Future 

     In 2024, we moved our operations to Los Angeles proper as we endeavor to build the first clinical herbalist training program in Southern California. With a broadened arts focus, programming reflecting ancestral crafts such as natural dyeing, basketweaving, broom making, bookbinding, and more will color the new era of Ancestral Arts. We call in the native Redwood and Oak Elders as our ancestors and guides in this work.


Since December 2022,
many hands, hearts, and minds have conspired to co-create the prayer of Ancestral Arts. 

Thank you to all Ancestral Arts Core Teaching Alumni including...
Ashley Campos, Bekah Olstad, Camille Lillian, Lidia Ruelo-Salazar, Isabella DeCredico, 
Napaquetzalli Martinez, Sam Raridon, Sophia Avramides, Taylor Appel, and Violet Moon 

Gratefulness to our Guest Instructor Alumni... 

Ayelet Hashachar, Erin Masako Wilkins, Kanchan Hayes, 
Kate August, Mandana Boushee, and Veronica Juarez 

Gratitude to our Collaborative Classroom Partners... 

Berkeley Herbal Center, Deep Medicine Circle, Sol Root Farm, Spiral Gardens, and Third Eye Cafe (Oakland) 

Appreciation to our Media Partners... 

Academy of Oracle Arts, Sourcefilms, Studio Cherish Chang 

~Immaculate Vibes~ 

To all of our students, community, and ripples in the water - Thank You for your patronage. 

Special Thanks 

Adine Le, Atava Garcia-Swiecicki, Ashley Campos, Ginger Michele, Isabella DeCredico, Kian Locke,
Madeline Richard, Marisa Naughton, Michael Chann, Samantha Hunter, & Shannon Mcinerney 

To the Ancestral Indigenous Tribes of California,
in particular the Raymatush/ Lisjan-Ohlone, Pomo, Chumash, Tongva, Miwok Tribes -
May our hands and hearts tend to your living legacy with love and hono


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